Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 7: The Sky!

This week, I found myself constantly in awe of the beauty of the sky. For some reason, I felt like the sky was especially stunning, and was struck by it at all times of day-- morning, afternoon, and evening. In fact, it was hard for me to choose just one of the photos to show here! This photo was taken from the parking lot of the ARC. I had just come out of the gym and gotten in my car when I noticed how gorgeous the sky was. I couldn't help but snap a photo, and I am so glad I did. It is skies like this that make me feel as if the heaven's are shining down from above. The contrast of the dark underside of the clouds with the bright light shining through creates a dramatic image and feels to me as if something is trying to break through the clouds and descend on us. I also love the contrast between the shadowed dark trees and cars and the light blue sky, bright light, and clouds. Overall, I just love the overwhelming power of the sky, and the sense of mystery, hope, and radiance that this specific moment holds.

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