Saturday, October 1, 2011

Week 1 - What Lies Beyond

I was coming home from a long day of teaching and kept my eyes open for a great image to write about. I was looking for something abstract and unique. I spent the entire hour-long road trip searching for something exciting. I almost gave up for the day, and then I found it! As I was pulling into my parking spot I looked up and noticed the eerie glow of the twilight against the white crescent moon. The ivy-covered brick wall was aglow with the street lamp. My gaze instantly went upward, toward the leafy green horizon. I noticed the definition of the glowing leaves against the underlying ones cast in shadow. The adjacent street was uncharacteristically silent, which made me more aware of my surroundings by engaging my senses. I focused more and more on the quietness of the sky before me, as it slowly became darker. I wondered what could be out there, beyond this green Earth. What lay beyond our moon? Beyond our sky?

1 comment:

  1. Really great photo - a really interesting study of scale - also, great analysis of what is going on and your emotional response to it!
