Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 3: A Distant Memory

This is a photo that I took last spring quarter when I was on a walk with a few of my close friends. One of my friends was dog sitting for somebody, so we all decided to come over and take the dog for a walk. We came upon this tunnel, and I was immediately drawn to the lighting. In fact, at that time my roommate Rachel was taking lighting with Lonnie, and I immediately sent her some photos for her to potentially use in her lighting blog! Now, months later, I still thought of this photo as one that I appreciate the lighting in. There is something I love about the warm quality of the light as it spills out of the tunnel, and the contrast of it against the dark blanket of the night. This photo not only reminds me of fond memories with my friends; I feel that it also has the potential to inspire a piece of choreography or lighting. When I look at it, I can hear music that could be a part of the moment, and can see movement that belongs within the mood of the photo.

1 comment:

  1. Great image and great post!

    There is so much movement in architecture, light and the form in this photo - would love to see it interpreted onstage!
